ministry opportunities
altar guild
If you are interested in helping create a worshipful atmosphere in the sanctuary, consider joining the Altar Guild.
Prayer team
The prayer team meets monthly to review and pray for thanksgivings, urgent and long term needs. The list is kept electronically and shared during Prayers of the People. Anyone is welcome to be a part of this group.
Caring for Bethlehem
Our parishioners are actively involved in Caring for Bethlehem, a non-profit umbrella organization seeing to the needs of our neighbors in town. In addition to providing food, Caring for Bethlehem also helps individuals meet fuel bills, small household emergencies, and scholarships for students. Prince of Peace Parish runs a Clothing Bank through Caring for Bethlehem. First Church provides a community fund for emergency capital expenses.
environmental stewardship committee
We have promised to place the care of God’s Creation at the heart of our common life, in accordance with the Episcopal vision for Creation Care. Our purpose is to further green our life as a parish and help Christ Church be an environmental leader within the community.
1. Educate our church and local community about the climate crisis.
2. Coordinate and share ideas with other community groups interested in the environment.
3. Improve Christ Church Bethlehem’s impact on the environment.
Participation in the Bethlehem Junior Women program.
If you are interested in helping out with any of these efforts, please contact us.