Christ Church Bethlehem

Where Love is Born

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all are welcome!


Breakfast Church

Coffee Hour Church (CHC) or Breakfast Church is an informal service of delicious breakfast food, faith conversations based on the topic of the day’s reading, and shared thanksgiving with Communion in the round. It is open to the public. It’s held on the 4th Sunday of the month at 10:00 and will alternate between Christ Church and St. Paul’s. Check the monthly calendar for location.

Faith and fellowship

our mission

We pray and worship together, proclaim the Gospel, and promote love, peace, and justice. We strive to be a loving presence within the community of Bethlehem and to the surrounding areas.

As members of Christ Church, we are called to a life of faith in Christ Jesus, demonstrated in our love and service to one another and all whom we meet.

come worship with us

All are welcome to join us in worship, participate in Communion, and engage with our community. We offer a service of Holy Communion on the 3rd Saturday of each month followed by pizza and fellowship. Sundays will find us at St Paul’s, Bantam. (See calendar below)

We are currently exploring a merger with St. Paul’s, Bantam which will hopefully lead to “one church with two campuses”.

HAPPENING at the church

No need to clean your house or mess up your kitchen, our Johnson Memorial Parish Hall, with its commercial kitchen, is available for parties, meetings, book groups, exercise classes, just to name a few. Inquiries may be made by calling the church at  203-266-7698 or emailing at

Mens AA Meetings - Tuesdays at 7:30-9:00 pm

Contact - Terry M. 203-217-5437 if you have any questions


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We can't wait to see you.
